I'm having issues with the video draw. How can I fix it?
If you see a message saying that we are having issues with the video player but you can still see a play button, please try hitting it anyway. The system assumes that most people will play the video within a few minutes and will think that there must be an issue if the player hasn't been started by then. Give it a go, it might still work!
If that is not the issue, please try checking one of our other draws then coming back to it. That might help. Please also try clearing your browser's cache / doing a Hard Refresh in your browser to see if that helps. You can find instructions in this FAQ article: https://help.pickmypostcode.com/article/87-im-having-trouble-loading-the-site
If that still doesn't work, do you have an adblocker running? If so then you won't be able to see the Video Draw - sorry, but the site relies on advertising to fund the prizes! Please whitelist Pick My Postcode. You can check whether you have ad adblocker running here: https://www.detectadblock.com/
Whichever browser you use, please make sure that it is up-to-date as an outdated browser could impact the video player.
If you have more than one browser on your device or have enough memory to download another, trying a different browser might also solve any issue.
If you're continuing to have issues accessing the postcode or viewing the video, please contact admin with a screenshot and a description of the issue (or any error message if one was provided).