PMP are Registered Data Controllers

Pick Media Ltd are Registered Data Controllers with the Information Commissioners Office. This means we comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018). (When we were within the EU, staff were GDPR trained and the provisions of the EU GDPR have been incorporated directly into UK law as the UK GDPR. So staff might still refer to GDPR and use that phrase but they also mean the Data Protection Act.) Staff still follow the same core data protection principles, rights and obligations.

No personal data is shared with any third parties/ companies. We also do not sell or share anyone's data without the consent of the member/person. If data does need to be shared it is only done with the informed consent of that member and in accordance with our privacy policy. The data we have on our members (email addresses and postcodes) is stored securely. We do not have anyone's telephone numbers.

Members are under no obligation to complete any offers or surveys with external companies as they have no impact on our draws.

Please be aware that some of the offers state in their Terms and Conditions that their partners may contact you via email or telephone. All of the offers that we have on site have the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies for that company attached or we wouldn't have them on our site at all.

Here is an example of a freebie offer that states that their partners may contact you. Please read all Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies before signing up to something. Thank you.

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